Passionate to Deliver
"A confident professional - with a passion to deliver, I am very sociable, with an honest approach. I like to think people come to me with their problems to get logical solutions. I look at issues on a neutral basis without allowing emotions to impact on solutions... but that doesn’t mean I don’t care!"
I have 31 years work experience in services provided both to public and private sectors. I have a vast amount of experience in challenging environments, going through economic crisis to adapting to major changes for operating lean.
I am used to working in target driven environments demanding the need for cohesive teamwork.
Having over 20 years in technology, engineering & manufacturing experience, it has given me a strong foundation to do what is needed to get the job done; including negotiating disruptive environments and adapting to succeed. I have experienced two large site closures in my career; it makes you appreciate that employment is not
a given and the importance of having your people and processes operating to the best they can be so you
remain competitive and ahead of the game.
My experience in managing and leading diverse teams, auditing, learning & development, Health & Safety, employee engagement and CSR to name but a few areas, allows me to be dynamic in my approach to business solutions.
In addition to my strengths, I have a host of Associates who are experts in their own field of specialism; who will be called on to support Intrinsic Business Consultancy Ltd; ensuring my business delivers an excellent quality of service to our clients.

I guess everyone views achievements differently however, for me, I see my achievements as having been fortunate to have continued employment from when I left school at 16 years of age. I would like to think that is reflective of my work
ethic and commitment.
I have won awards for managing and leading community programmes .
I have earned the respect from employees, business leaders and networks across the North East; again, I think it is reflective of my commitment and passion to deliver...for me, this respect is priceless!
I could talk about achievements in terms of project deliverables, monetary recognition etc. however those, to me, aren’t achievements they are a byproduct of my commitment and passion to succeed.
Enough about me, what about you?
Let’s focus on you…….what can Intrinsic Business Consultancy do for you?
Click here to leave your details and let us continue to build on your business strengths to achieve results.